Participation to CINEREFLEX N° 42 with Association "SEMA"

Participation to CINEREFLEX N° 42 with Association "SEMA"

Sunday, October 30, I participated in the activity CINEREFLEX No. 42 of the Association "SEMA" in the Agora Senghor room of the Church of Saint John in Lome. CINEREFLEX literally means Cinema and reflection .... We watched the documentary film "Concerning violence" directed by Göran Hugo Olssen. About four (04) hours during clock we watched this documentary film and discussion on topics such as: the causes of the failure of a model of African democracy, erreus committed by the fathers of independence, the effects of violence, the role of African women in people's liberation movements and women's leadership, solutions for real emergence of the African continent. This is a reflection on violence as a tool of resistance and liberation that we invite the documentary Swedish director Göran Hugo Olsson. Concerning Violence is a tribute and an illustration of the Wretched of the Earth, the last work of Frantz Fanon, published the year of his death in 1961. In the 21st century, wars and all forms of violence are to banish and advocating dialogue, the only way to achieve positive results without inutil blood flow. As a MOP, I think that Humanity need a new vision, a new methods for creatng a better world!
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