Parenting and advocacy on prevention program

Conducted the risk and vulnerability mapping survey at my school from seven to ten grade students which consist of 192 participant attended the survey questionnaire. The survey result shows 14% of students parents were divorced, 10% were single parent, and 13% were exposed to domestic violence. From survey result I am motivated to conduct a prevention and capacity building on parenting and advocacy program on GBV and impact of divorce and mental health issues to parents and community.
Conducted the parenting and advocacy program at ECCD center and school.
9 parents and 2 ECCD facilitators were benefited. To understand the impacts of GBV and divorced which increases mental health issues to the students. This advocacy program has impact to prevent and minimize GBV, divorce rate and mental health issues in the community.
Learned more on parenting style, laws, rights and public speaking. Planing to create more advocacy program with dramatization or roleplaying by scouts students.
Number of participants
Service hours
Mental health
Sexual and reproductive health
Youth Engagement
Health and Wellbeing

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