Observing World Menstrual Hygiene Day

As the theme stated,' We are committed, man take a lead'. I am a son, I am a husband and I am a father of one daughter. In my society I have observed that many girls are still not so confidence to talk about the period and boys are not ready to accept the period. Because our fore fathers has taught us that during period it is bad luck or it brings bad luck by the women. To erase this myth from our youth, I have planned and successfully organized Menstrual hygiene day.
The event was held in Khoyar Primary School, Gomdar, Samdrup Jongkhar by the health in-charge in collaboration with Scout leader. All the students gathered in assembly ground. The health in-charge shared the importance of male accepting period and girls about the maintaining hygiene during period. All the male teachers and boys contributed money to women to buy sanitary pad.
The school I work is located in remote area and the girls in my school are so shy to talk or ask the sanitary period. So, when ever we conduct such events the young girls are benefited and the community.
My next plan is to take it to community and involve parents.
Number of participants
Service hours
Health lifestyles
Personal safety
Sexual and reproductive health
Health and Wellbeing

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