No Plastics Clean Tsamang

clean-up campaign raise awareness about the scale of litter problem and get people thinking about changing their behavior. cleaning campaign is effective way to bring communities together and by enhancing social bonds, make people more appreciative of their common environment. The acts of removing rubbish and improving the environment protects habitats for native wild life and prevent further pollution. litter can negatively impact your sense of community and make people feel less safe.
on 21st september 2021, as a part of international day of peace, over 65 nachung scouts, 1 commissioner and a scout leader with 6 teachers including 5 supporting staff of Tsamang Primary School scout Asociationa took part in mass cleaning campaign at all over the Tsamang thuenmung chiwog organized by Scout leader collaboration with school administration. jobs were delegated as follows: supporting staffs to dump waste in right allocated area. teachers tolook after scouts first aids safety.
this project benefited the tsamang thuenmung chiwog populated around 350 people including clustered RNR center and other civil servant residents.
our campaign didn't focus only to picking up papers and plastics, we even advocated on waste policy and uprooted marijuana to our reach area. therefore, through this event I learnt to take self responsibility to self waste, increased self-confidence, satisfied with this action. moreover learnt that litter in the environment can impact air and water.
Number of participants
Service hours
Nature and Biodiversity
Youth Programme
Responsible consumption
Environment and Sustainability

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