MOP Workshop of Kinman Scouts 金門童軍MOP研習

MOP Workshop of Kinman Scouts 金門童軍MOP研習

金門童軍在106年3月26日假金門高中舉辦和平使者研習營,由金門童軍會指導及金門童軍發展協會承辦,共有37位來自金門高中、金門農工、金門大學羅浮、山外社區複試童軍團、太武山複試童軍團及金門縣資深服務員等人參加與。 活動中藉由和平使者的介紹、小組討論分享及社群媒體的介紹來促進夥伴對於和平使者更深入的瞭解;另外也特別就金門特殊的環境由服務員與青年們互相腦力激盪,看看哪些特有的文化或環境是可讓金門夥伴永續經營。 Kinman Scouts hold a very first Messengers of Peace Workshop, 37 participants attended this event, including venture scout, rover scouts and scout leaders from different parts of Kinman. During the workshop, we introduced the MOP and social media of scouting. Also, the fruitful discussions were worked together by senior scout leaders and youths. We hope more and more Peace story will come from Kinman island soon.
Number of participants
Service hours
Scouts of China
Personal safety
Youth Programme
Legacy BWF

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