A Moment To Honor The Achievements & Hardwork

A Moment To Honor The Achievements & Hardwork

"Proficiency Badge Awarding Ceremony for the outstanding contribution in Scouting" A moment to appreciate, congratulate and honor their effort & hard work. The Mongar HSS family would like to congratulate Scout Wangmo Sonam & Scout Karma Zangmo for making it to the top 5 Best Scout Leadership, 2016 for class XII and receiving "His Majesty Scholarship". We would also like to congratulate Scout Troop leader Thinley Wangchuk, 2016, for qualifying for the ex-country scholarship. An exemplary to all other Scouts.. You all truly deserved it and we are proud of you. Trashi Delek & Happy scouting!
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Youth Programme

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