Messengers of Peace Promotion at “Raimuna Daerah Kalimantan Timur” - East Kalimantan Provincial Rover Moot

Messengers of Peace Promotion at “Raimuna Daerah Kalimantan Timur” - East Kalimantan Provincial Rover Moot

East Kalimantan is a province located in Kalimantan Island (also known as “Borneo”), the central part of Indonesian archipelago. The East Kalimantan Provincial Scout Headquarter recently organized “Raimuna Daerah Kalimantan Timur” – East Kalimantan Provincial Rover Moot; more commonly called as RAIDA KALTIM. “RAIDA” stands for “Raimuna Daerah” while the word “KALTIM” is the abbreviation of Kalimantan Timur. This event was held 26-31 December 2014 at Venue Dayung Waduk Manggar Campground, South Balikpapan. MoP Indonesia was once again invited to directly assist the MoP Promotion at a provincial-level rover moot. The presence of Messengers of Peace East Kalimantan Provincial Coordinator (as one of the Messengers of Peace Team-Indonesia Gathering alumni) helps things went smoothly. The Messengers of Peace promotion itself was done in 2 days, 30 & 31 December with the help of East Kalimantan Provincial Rover Scouts Council. The first promotional session (31 December, 8am – 11 pm) was delivered by Neni Nur Aeni, member of National Rover Scout Council who once going to Riyadh – Saudi Arabia for “MoP Training in Dialogue”. The session was attended by 50 mixed participants (boys and girls). The second promotion (10-11pm, 31 December) was led by the MoP Team consisting of Venny Indri Christiyanti as National Coordinator, Husnawati as Provincial Coordinator, Neni Nur Aeni from National Rover Scout Council and Mega from Provincial Rover Scouts Council. At that time, participants were all gathered in front of the main stage. As many as 700 participants stood up and followed the MoP Dance led by MoP Team performing on the stage. This is our idea to “introduce” MoP at the first place, and as usual, once is never enough. When the music stopped playing, participants ‘protested’ and screamed “Lagi, lagi, lagi!” (the word “lagi” in Bahasa Indonesia means “again” or “once more” in English). The next day, we continued the promotional session starting from 8 to 11am, attended by ±40 participants. Before we began, we asked them to sit in groups (each group consisted of 4-5 people) and each of the group members was asked to write one word, phrase or sentence that describes their own understanding about what peace is. All of them followed the sessions well and were able to write something about peace from their own perspective. We once again emphasized that peace is not always related to war and conflict, but more to something related to us and existing within us. Understanding peace could be started from the simplest way; from ourselves to be followed by people around us. After 3 hours, the session was closed after learning the MoP Indonesia Song (slow version) ̶ and of course MoP dance! We practiced the dance twice before taking the group picture with participants. The song lyric was taught to participants that noon because they had to sing it together at the closing ceremony that will be held at night on that same day. In the closing ceremony, the song lyric was displayed on the screen provided on the main stage so that 700 participants could sing the MoP song together in order to give RAIDA KALTIM a sweet and remarkable closing.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Youth Programme
Legacy BWF

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