Merdeka Hike 2019

I like to maintain a clean environment. As so, I've decided to join this Merdeka Hike and clean up the hill.
The project was held at a hill in Butterworth, Penang. Firstly, we arrived at Chung Ling Private High School to take attendance at 6am. After that, we got on the transport and went on the journey to Butterworth. After we reached, we started to have our warm ups. 8am, we started to run on top to the hill. During the process, we are required to pick up rubbish on the floor in order to ensure the cleanliness of the environment. 10am, we had our trophy giving ceromony. 12pm, we then went home.
The hill was cleaned and the local people and tourists can enjoy the environment there. Animals may be safer as the environment is clean.
I've learned the importance of maintaining the cleanliness of the environment which is crucial in today's world. Besides, I had a happy time with my friends.
Number of participants
Service hours
Healthy Planet
Health lifestyles

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