Menstruation isn't shameful

I started with my own self work that how much I need to take care of my menstruation hygiene and about its all benefits and resources for maintain that hygiene forever and after that I started to share my thoughts with other girls and boys to that they can understand menstruation is not a shameful topic it's just normal if we make the positive think of views for menstruation hygienewe work on pride week who help us to know this more every day we just complete to the few activities for make our Pride week complete we start with poster making and then we lighting the candles for give a massage on social media platforms that the period is not shameful it's our Pride and then we painted our hands in red colour and blow the ballons according to menstruation month circle and made the menstruation circle bracelet for our all Rangers and Rovers then make a red dots in our hands for complete the period red dot activity and the last day of this week we talk with people and some young students about there point of view towards menstruation education and hygiene 

I learnt that it's not easy to make people understand about menstruation but it's not impossible to make them understand menstruation hygiene is important

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Humanitarian action
Health lifestyles
Healthy Planet
Health and Wellbeing
Peace and Community Engagement
Skills for Life

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