Meeting with Elderly People in community is peace
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Meeting with Elderly People in community is peace

Around 60 scout leaders,  45 red cross volunteers and 60 other volunteers went to different communities to deliver the medicines(multi-vitamins) to the elderly people in the community. The medicines are sent by His Majestry the king of Bhutan to the elderly people to develop strength so that they will be able to fight COVID-19.

The volunteers went to distribute the medicines door to door in the community from 14th May to 16th May in around 15 different communities from 8am till 6pm for three days. The elderly people were also briefed on health protocol of COVID-19.

It was a wonderful journey walking door to door, meeting with edderly people in the community and disturbing the medicines. The elderly people in the community were very happy to receive the medecines from His Majesty the king.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Good Governance
Communications and Scouting Profile

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