Medical Equipment Making A Difference Through Teamwork

Medical Equipment Making A Difference Through Teamwork

Anyone travelling to the remote Doi Chang village (Ban Doi Chang) would be amazed at how the community manages to surprise and complete an improvement project on a regular basis- be that a day care, clinic, new roads, guest quarters, or high-speed Internet! Never have we seen such a strong, deep-rooted sense of togetherness in a community. Scouts from Canada have been able to build a strong bond with the farmers and villagers in the past couple of years and take pride in their successes, such as 5 of the villagers being welcomed to the TD Bank Human Rights Forum in 2012 at GlobalFest.Most recently, a container full of medical equipment donated to Doi Chang Village has finally made its way to the top of the mountain. The new supplies will benefit 10,000 residents of Doi Chang Village and potentially 20,000 others in the surrounding areas. Although Scouts in Canada initially set out to improve the lives of the Akha hilltribe farmers, we found our way to strong bonds with thousands of others, regardless of whether they be Thai, Chinese, Burmese, Buddhist, Animist, Christian, Muslim and regardless of the colour, race, background or faith of anyone who lives in the area.  "A Scout Is A Friend To All!" Our next project is helping to build a school for the children.  Scouts Canada Messengers of Peace Ambassadors are already assembling school equipment and supplies for this project.
Youth Programme
Legacy BWF

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