Mass Cleaning Program during Paro Tshechu

Mass Cleaning Program during Paro Tshechu

Tshechu is not only about mask dances and cultural show piece for the public to witness. The latest trend of tshechu is also about indiscriminate dumping of waste around, polluting the whole sanctity of tshechu. Keeping this in mind Paro Dzongkhag Y-VIAs took a lead role in keeping 5 days of ParoTshechu surrounding neat and clean. On the first day #DrukgyelCentralSchool Y-VIAs collected 51 bags of waste, on the 2nd day YVIAs of KhangkhuMSS collected 61 bags of waste, on the 3rd and 4th days ParoCollegeofEducation collected 189 bags of wastes, and on the last day Y-VIAs from ShabaHigherSecondarySchool collected 153 bags of waste. The total collection of waste was 436 bags for last 5 days, an average of 90 bags per day. My heartfelt gratitude to all Y-VIAs and Coordinators for providing your invaluable voluntary service ensuring tshechu surrounding neat and clean. Thank you once again

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement

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