Malaysia Green Program : Plant 100 Millions Trees

To help share the important of plants and nature in the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle that makes the world less pollution and to slow down global warming.

The Malaysia Green Program : Plant 100 Millions Trees was held near Bukit Bintang Forest Reserve near Kangar Town, here in the state of Perlis. Almost 100 participants from different NGOs including 35 scouts helping The Perlis State Forest Department to plant about 1000 trees.  The program was launched by Deputy Communication and Multimedia Minister, Datuk Zahidi Zainul Abidin who is also Padang Besar's Members of The Parlimen. 

This project contribute to the education for young generations the important of re-planting at certain land area where the old trees was cut down to make way for plantation purpose. After a plantation project was finish, it is vital to plant new trees so that the area will be free of potential natural disaster like land slide and floods. Also participant was educated the important of nature conservation to human and wild life.

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We learned the important of nature conservation for future generations.
Number of participants
Service hours
Healthy Planet
Nature and Biodiversity
Youth Engagement
Environment and Sustainability

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