Making Flush Toilet

Making Flush Toilet

Disadvantages of open toilet

  • It spread diseases.
  • Spread germs in environment.
  • It`s easily in the contact with flies, bees & other animals.
  • You can`t get privacy.
  • It is not safe because any animal can harm you.
  • It gets much more time to get decomposed.
  • It effect the environment.








  • It saves water.
  • It is connected to a savage line so it will helps in preventing diseases.
  • It helps to keep environment free from germs.
  • In this your stool will not be in the contact of bees and flies through which it makes environment free from diseases.
  • It will give privacy.
  • It will occupy small space for building it.
  • It is easy to build.
  • Many people can use it multiple times without carrying any germs with them
  • With flush toilet u don’t need to wash your waste it’s automatically cleans the toilet with the help of water.
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