Low-cost drip irrigation systems for small-scale farmers to minimize hunger in Tanzania
United Republic of Tanzania

Low-cost drip irrigation systems for small-scale farmers to minimize hunger in Tanzania

This project is aimed at minimizing draught in Mtwara region Tanzania by providing small scale farmers with low cost drip-irrigation ssystems. This will ensure increase in production and poverty alleviation. Drip irrigation is a type of micro-irrigation system that has the potential to save water and nutrients by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants, either from above the soil surface or buried below the surface. The goal is to place water directly into the root zone and minimize evaporation. Drip irrigation systems distribute water through a network of valves, pipes, tubing, and emitters. Depending on how well designed, installed, maintained, and operated it is, a drip irrigation system can be more efficient than other types of irrigation systems, such as surface irrigation or sprinkler irrigation. Water is a critical input which can dramatically enhance or hinder crop development. Drip irrigation has the abilit y to
highly control the location, quantit y, and timing of water. At each stage, the grower can accurately apply the proper
volume of water to optimize the growth potential. In some critical stages, reduction in growth from water stress is not
Drip irrigation benefits can be seen throughout the growing cycle, especially in germination, plant growth and cob
development. Drip irrigation provides a better application of water to the soil profile for germination and spoon feeds
nutrients in early vegetative stages. With drip irrigation, you can optimize the air and water balance in the soil thus
optimizing the soil condition and nodal root development. 
In the rapid vegetative growth, drip irrigation distributes nutrients directly to the root zone to allow for peak uptake of
critical nutrients. In the silking and tasseling stage the available water to the plant is optimal for proper kernel
development. And before har vest, drip irrigation allows you to methodically dr y down the plant. Each step providing
the farmer with the opportunit y to utilize water to maximize yield. 
Drip Irrigation provides precise application of water. With other methods of irrigation, you lose some water, as it must
move through the crop canopy in order to get to the root zone, making it susceptible to evaporation. This means that
20-30% of the water may be lost with overhead application of water. Drip irrigation systems play an important role in reducing other input costs
associated with growing corn. Utilizing a drip irrigation system can reduce: 
- Pumping costs (due to lower pressure and volume requirements) 
- Losses of chemicals and fertilizers (fertigation) due to        
 inef ficiencies
- Reduce cost associated with weeds and plant disease
- In-season cultivation - furrow making, weeding (weed pressure) and other  
 labor intensive farm practices 

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
United Republic of Tanzania
Personal safety
Youth Programme

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