Lest irrigate
Profile picture for user Pyenjo_1

Lest irrigate

Scouts of the world award project
  Sherubtse College on 7th of feb 2021 kick off the SWA project which was kept as watershed management in khangma. This project aims on providing continuous flow of water supply for the irrigation purpose in a environmental friendly ways.
The first activities carried out after seeking permission from a concern authority like head of the gewog and dean of students affairs includes paving connecting the channels,  cleaning the old drain and renovating the irrigation channel. However there are still lots of works such as cleaning the water source, planting the sapling around the streams and taking care of waste around the stream from source till the farmland which are included in our work plan. 
We would like to thank all of the participants for your cooperation and we hope to receive same in near future as wel. 

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Global Support Assessment Tool

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