The leadership of the National Organization of the Scouts of Ukraine met the leadership of the Association of Ukrainian Guides.

The leadership of the National Organization of the Scouts of Ukraine met the leadership of the Association of Ukrainian Guides.

In the spirit of the bilateral cooperation between WAGGGS and WOSM on global level, the leadership of the National Organization of the Scouts of Ukraine met the leadership of the Association of Ukrainian Guides on 6 February to discuss the deepening of the relationship between the two organizations. During the meeting, the decision of the creation of the ‪#‎ConsultativeCommittee‬ on the basis of the new terms of reference of ‪#‎WAGGGS‬ and ‪#‎WOSM‬ comprising of representatives from both ‪#‎NOSU‬ and ‪#‎AUG‬ leadership was taken. The joint committee will provide an opportunity for exchange of information regarding the future plans and events of each organization and will identify space for cooperation and mutual support. Moreover, it was decided that the two organizations would jointly organize the ‪#‎WorldThinkingDay‬ on 22 February 2016 and the First National ‪#‎UkrainianJamboree‬ on 10-17 July 2017.
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Personal safety
Global Support Assessment Tool

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