Between years 2004 to 2013 European Scouts an excellent Project which make European Scouts know each other make connections and share their traditions three type of Project made by hundreds nd a day of competition introduced for a couple years
As every year, the Region is offered to Scouts (aged 11-15) from all European associations the possibility to participate in the “Lands of Adventure Day” challenges. Discovering the international dimension of Scouting (without leaving home!) and testing the creativity of Scouts are the main focuses of this very popular European event (with more than 1000 participants every year). The Lands of Adventure Day 2011 is organized between the 18th and the 20th of March and year’s theme was “Local History”…
This project was best of the Projects initiated for children on last 25 years
We participated as two patrol from Kepez Guide and Scout Grop . Our Squirrel patrol was one of them
İn this Challenge there were two tasks
Task 1 – photo of the coat-of-arms of Xaghra of Malta made by Squirrel patrol
and Task 1 – “story” of the coat of arms as guessed and searched from internet
TASK 2 rhe story of a local legend It was Treditional wedding ceremony
The story Is on photos
Scouts of Xaghra and Kepez were also oner of the few twinnwd acout groups on this project