kuenzang Choden

kuenzang Choden

The International Day of Peace is celebrated on 21st of September every year, also called World Peace Day. It was first recognised by the United Nations in 1982. The United Nations General Assembly declared it a day "devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace". For world peace, the United Nations has called upon on all nations to put their weapons down and reaffirm their commitment towards global harmony. The theme for International Day of Peace 2019 is "Climate Action for Peace". The theme focuses on the need of combating climate change as a way to protect and promote peace throughout the world. There is need for an immediate call to everyone to lower greenhouse gas emissions, to build resilience and improve education on climate change, and also to encourage people about the use of renewable energy, clean technologies etc. To promote and protect peace throughout a world, Mendhagang Primary School family also joined other scout friends across the nation in celebrating the International Day of peace by doing mass cleaning, maintaining flowers gardens and flower pots in a proper place and grass cutting to achieved today's theme ''Climate Change for Peace''.
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Legacy BWF

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