United States of America

Key Community Garden Rock Bin

I was motivated to conduct this project as I wanted to help support the community gardeners in Arlington to be able to grow food for our local food pantries.
The project took place at the Key Community Garden in Arlington Virginia. I work with the county parks department and the community gardeners' leaders to find ways to help their efforts. They needed a bin to recycle/dispose of rocks and landscaping blocks, so I decided to make one. I drew up plan for the bin, worked with the parks department to get the wood, then cut it and built the bin.
The project helped the 35 community gardeners as they grow food and helped many more people in need who will receive food grown at the garden.
I learned how much fresh vegetables and fruit grown at community gardens helps the local food pantries and how the Arlington Parks department tries to partner to help the counties goals for food security and providing opportunities for people to grow their own healthy food.
Number of participants
Service hours
United States of America
Health lifestyles
Healthy Planet
Environment and Sustainability

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