JOTI - Jamboree On The Internet  (Special Edition 2020) - International Event
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JOTI - Jamboree On The Internet (Special Edition 2020) - International Event

JOTI - Jamboree On The Internet was organised online. It was an international event organised by World Organization of the Scout Movement. JOTI was organised due to the pandemic disease-COVID 19 which is currently affecting the whole world. Many scouts and leaders around the world took part in JOTI. This was a one-of-a-kind special edition of JOTI. It was a special version of  yearly JOTA-JOTI event .

This special JOTI brought fun and education to the homes of young people around the world during a challenging time. Participants learned about safety measures, mental and physical health and digitally engage as global citizens through a range of different activities. The best part was meeting new friends without leaving homes. This special edition, largest digital Jamboree allowed young people to connect to others, learn a whole range of new skills, take good care of themselves and others and build new friendships during this challenging time. It fostered teamwork and intercultural interaction while enhancing safe social engagement and wellbeing. Fiji participated for the first time in JOTI. I was very fortunate to represent Fiji Contingent in this amazing and awesome JOTI. 

A variety of activities were organised during JOTI. Some of the activities I registered and took part in were:

Fun Zone - Dj Party and Maximum Fitness

Humanitarium Hub - COVID 19 Community Awareness, Learning about COVID 19 and Preventive Measures, Community Based Health

Scouting from Home - ABC Scouting Quiz, The ABC's of Scouting and Dialogue from Home

Digital Citizenship Den - Be Safe Online

I really learnt and enjoyed a lot during JOTI using zoom. It was an awesome experience to take part in learning new things by staying home and being safe.



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