Joey Scouts/Beaver Scouts communicate through the sharing of experiences

Joey Scouts/Beaver Scouts communicate through the sharing of experiences

1st Spreyton Joey Scout Mob from Australia have a unique connection with the 1st Yardley Gobion Beaver Scouts and the 12th Lincoln Beaver Scouts from England. The unique connection was started when they became Pen Pals through their National Scout Organisations, and they have continued the friendship also through JOTI. In April 2013, the 1st Spreyton Joeys received “Boomerang the Beaver” from the 12th Lincoln Beaver Scouts. The Beaver mascot had travelled halfway around the world as a gesture of global friendship and sharing. The 1st Spreyton Joeys then sent back not one, but two mascots from Australian Scouting, of their own back to England! These were dressed in Group Scarves, capes and sun hats, and took with them passports, photo ID cards, camp blankets, photo albums and a travel log journal. The two Kangaroo mascots then departed on their journeys to the 12th Lincoln Beaver in Lincolnshire and the 1st Yardley Gobion Beavers in Northamptonshire. During the Joey Mascot’s time in England they were able to attend several events, these included the St George’s Day Parade in Windsor, the Jamboree in Northampton and several Beaver Sleepovers. Upon arrival back in Australia, both Joey Mascots came home with a variety of new items. One returned invested as a Beaver Scout with a certificate, and the other returned with a new brand new backpack with a Beaver Scouts Logo, they both had several badges and lots of photos. They returned in time to attend the Tasmanian State Wide Joey Scout Event in August, and Boomerang Beaver was still in Australia for the event too. He was returned to England shortly after the event, with his own certificate of investiture and a group scarf. The 1st Spreyton Joeys believe that this was a marvellous opportunity to learn about Scouting in another country, to see how they live through pictures, to learn their games and crafts, and to compare the weather differences! It helped both the Australian Joeys and English Beavers to form a strong Scouting bond and to help foster the international Scouting spirit. Posted on behalf of Scouts Australia, Tasmanian Branch.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Youth Programme

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