Thid was the first Espress EURself project made in Europe Scout Region. Fİrst year there is 33 projects were submitted. 2 from Austria and 20 from Turkey. Teoops presented their work vith www presentation with a given project management tool ( bast and simlest one) and get a badge when they send the project program and get another one when submitted their work on There is two more activity program in Lands of Adventure project
Europe at EUR door Patrols planned to explore another European country if not the Lands of Adventure “Host” country) and to take part in activities that are typical of that country. When They
have been completed it They sent in a report with photographs to European Scout Office.
EUR Hopping Patrols would like to “twin” with another patrol from another part of Europe. They posted tne names of the countries to a web page to make in touch and when agreed they made a joint project and sent their stories to the region office
LoA EURopa day Patrols made a competition on a day mostly at the end of March. They compated every year with a new theme they made recipees of other countries They made videos of well known scout songs or new ones. Made posters of other city logos with natural material from Nature. Made three part pictorial stories with a given scenario
LoA CAMP Patrols made a camp together every year somewhere in Europe and they well documented it on internet
Now only Europe Day event is going on but thee is no news yet
As I remember This one was the best between all projects introduced by rhe Region like passport of Europe and many others
I guess the reson is it is all organized by young people who met evry year somewhere and made programs
These may be reviewed by Messengers of peace Staff and applied to Mennengers of peace net program
A reduction of rules LoA book and forms will bring a new page to this initiative
For Rhinod They made first project for LoA all along in aeurope and expressed their fun with the help of their leaders
Thanks to them foe malinf thisd unforgettable story which iss given on photos