Involvement in School Level Flower exhibition

Involvement in School Level Flower exhibition

 "Where we live must be clean, safe and organized and beautiful for national integrity, national pride and for our bright future. This too is nationa building."  His majecty the King of Bhutan

As a follow up activity for the 5th Royal Flower Exhibition held at Samdrup Jongkhar on 21st Februray, 2019 coinciding with the Birth Anniversary of our King and in line with the 28th Dzongkhag Education Conference resolution to fulfill the Green school domain of SSA and SIP, our school organized flower exhibition on 5th June coinciding with the World Environment Day.

The preparation for the exhibition was started from the 1st week of March. All the scout members and other students took part actively in this giant event. The parents of teh students were also involved in completing this particular task. The students were divided into three groups and worked at the area they were provided. They have made creative flower gardens and planted various types of flowers.

The exhibition was organized on 5th June. The head of Serthi block administration  graced this occassion. The people of the community also took part in this flower exhibition. He shared  the parents and students about the Royal Flower exhibition that our country organize every year and also talked about the importance of flowers.

As a token of appreciation for their hardwork and the effort put in for the successful organization of the flower exhibition, the groups were awarded cash prices. 

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Legacy BWF
Youth Engagement

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