Investiture Ceremony
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Investiture Ceremony

Gelephu Middle Secondary School  holds Investiture Rites 18th May 2019 at GMSS.

The new members who joined scouting this year from the four schools under the Gelephu Thromde were sworn in as scouts by taking oath to be scout forever with every action of them bound by the scout laws and promises on 18th May, 2019.

Graced by the Thromde Education Officer, Mr. Kunzang, the Investiture Ceremony was hosted at Gelephu Middle Secondary School saw a total of more than 600 hundreds new scouts.

Addressing the audience gathered, he commended the Thromde Scout Association for the increase of scouts’ membership annually. “Membership being based on volunteerism, the huge number of scouts symbolizes the impact of scouting creates among the youths,” he added.

In the ceremony, the new scouts were awarded the scarves and took oath in serving the tsa-wa-sum to the best of their abilities.

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Communications and Scouting Profile

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