Investiture ceremony 2019
Gelephu Thromde Scout Association has conducted investiture ceremony on 18th May,2019 which was held at Gelephu MSS. Total of 881 scouts, 16 CBS members and 22 scout leaders from four schools under GelephuThromde participated the ceremony.
The ceremony was conducted on Theme "Scouting for SDGs". It was graced by Thromde scout chief commissioner as a cheif guest for the day and school scout commissioners as a guest.
The program for the day was conducted by reciting zhabten of king, offering Marchung ceremony, awarding scarves and memberships badge to new member of chechey scouts,Nachung Scouts,Nazheon scouts and Coummunity Based scout members and followed by few cultural items. The program was conducted successfully with good support from Thromde Education office, host school, commissioners, scout members and scout leaders.