Introduction on web to Messengers of Peace District Coordinator’s on "Zero Waste" MOP Workshop
Sri Lanka

Introduction on web to Messengers of Peace District Coordinator’s on "Zero Waste" MOP Workshop

“Zero Waste” is an Environmental conservation program organized by Sri Lanka Scout Association with the support of Messengers of Peace initiative of World Organization of Scout Movement. The Project was mainly designed to educate general public in selected municipal areas of all districts on proper waste management techniques and 5R concepts.

The Introductory workshop of the "Zero Waste" project for the District Commissioners and District MoP Coordinators was held on 12th October 2019 from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm at Hilton Colombo Residencies Grand Ballroom. As a member of the organizing Commitee i was given the oppertunity to introduce the web page as all the District coordinators are suppose to upload Projects and post with regard to the activities they will be conducting at their own districts. Connneting to, Creating your own Profile, Conducting the CSR Project, Uploading a post or a Project and the features and informations needed to complete the submittion are through during the introduction. Also they we through how should they act as a Messengers of peace as wel as how to train the Scouts to become Messengers of Peace.

It was a great pleasure to be recongnized as a Members of National Messengers of Peace Core team of Sri Lanka Scout Association.

Number of participants
Service hours
Sri Lanka
Legacy BWF

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