International peace Day celebration
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International peace Day celebration

To mark the importance of the day, the scout in consultation with the school management carried out the following programs as per the mandates of the Bhutan Scout Association, Asia PAcific Region Scout Association and the World Scout Association.

School Principal was invited as the guest of honour where Lopen Khenpo is invited to bless the scouts with the oath taking and promising moment. both of them delivered the speech on the international peace day, followed by the roles and duty as the scouts. followith the programs, the scouts conducted the cleaning campaign, weeding the plantations and the area adoption of the scouts. the scouts of Wangbama Central School under Thimphu Dzongkhag carried out the following activities;

1. Scout investiture Ceremong and scout oath taking

2. Poster competition among the eight patrols

3. Staged the skit on the restoration of peace and soverignity

4. cleaning campaign by the scouts and scout leaders.



Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Legacy BWF
Communications and Scouting Profile
Global Support Assessment Tool
Good Governance
Youth Engagement

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