International day of peace

International day of peace

As per the guidelines received from DYS (MOE) , Dechheling Lower S.S under Pemagatsel dzongkhag has celebrated international day of peace with number of activities to make the program enriching one. The program includes; 1) Mock drill on earthquake, awareness program on disaster preventive measures, safety guidelines during, before and after disaster. ii) opening account of MOP for 50 new members, various talks and dance. III) Mass awareness cleaning campaign in the community headed by female teachers and students. IV) Rendered social services by involving in maintaining gewog center road which was damaged by heavy down pour. headed by gewog officials, more than 30 male staffs volunteered to carry out the activities. We have cleared 5 major blocks and made the road clear for light vehicle to ply smoothly.
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme

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