International Day Against Drug Abuse 2022

In the national household survey more than 40 000 men and boys (aged 12 to 60 years) were interviewed, while subsidiary studies looked at drug misuse among women and prison inmates and in rural populations and border areas. Alcohol, cannabis, opium, and heroin are the major drugs misused in India, says the report. Buprenorphine, propoxyphene, and heroin are the most commonly injected drugs.
On 26.06.22 we the members of Bhagat Singh Rover Crew decided to aware people about drug abuse and illicit trafficking of drugs. Also distributed leaflets and talked-about the harmful side effects of smoking,drugs & tobacco.
We encouraged roughly 50-60 people to get into a good &healthy life style,members of Bhagat Singh Rover Crew aware people about drug abuse and illicit trafficking of drugs. Also distributed leaflets and talked-about the harmful side effects of smoking,drugs & tobacco.
The young generation of India needs to be healthy and potential mentally, physically and spiritually. Yoga engages one's mind, body and breath while practicing, once these three things sync properly then one can get a favourable outcome from the work they put in. It also improves creativity, physicality and holistic approach to being alive as a human.
Number of participants
Service hours
Health lifestyles
Mental health
Personal safety
Health and Wellbeing

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