I'm a Messengers of Peace - 2016 MOP Taiwan Training
MOP Taiwan 在12月17日舉辦「2016台灣和平使者種子訓練」,全台共16位夥伴參與。活動當中簡介世界童軍組織運動的和平使者計畫,並概略介紹世界童軍環境計劃及世界童軍服務獎章,這三項活動目前皆為WOSM的「美好世界架構」,希望藉由更多的年青人來對世界產生更多改變,讓每位世界公民對地球都能盡一份心力。
Messengers of Peace Taiwan held a training on 17 December 2016. The main purpose of the training is providing the information of Messengers of Peace programme, strengthen the knowledge of social media and inspire the leader to develop the MOP activity in local council.
We also had a participant from NGO-THE SOCIETY OF WILDERNESS gave us the different view of the MOP.
The fruitful outcome will be provided for future MOP plan in Taiwan, and we were appreciated all volunteers with us. Let’s Create a Better World!