I'm a global citizen - Day 6 Report

I'm a global citizen - Day 6 Report

The sixth day’s webinar ‘I’m a Global Citizen ‘started at sharp 4 pm with a general salute and a scout prayer. ADCR welcomed the Guests and the participants. Mr. Jithesh Sheth, Deputy National Commissioner (Rovers) elaborated on all details pertaining to OYMS. Sir emphasized that we being a global citizen, we must leave this world a little better than we found it. The need of OYMS is to have online information, to have global visibility, to go paperless, to have Scout Guide density and to know about relevant projects. BSG HQ presented a presentation on the process of OYMS and explained in detail the process of registration at various levels.

Mr. Krishnaswamy. R, spoke about good citizenship which can contribute to SDGs. Campfire yarns are nothing but SDGs. Sustainability is a skill and a part of scouting from its inception. Proficiency Badges which are there at different levels help the scouts and guides to find a job in the future.

A lively quiz was conducted by Priyanka which helped the participants to know about the SDGs. Ayushi Gupta presented her project ‘Freedom of Education’ and shared her experience of the journey. Mr. A Sharma , ADNER proposed the vote of thanks. This webinar enlightened me and all the other participants about SDGs, Community service and OYMS. It’s heartening to note that every effort is taken by the team to keep all the participants attentive and engaged.

Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Youth Programme
Youth Engagement
Legacy BWF
Communications and Scouting Profile

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