If Books Could Talk
We spend time learning about different disabilities and how we could help people with intellectual disabilities. We wanted to help other children in our school who cannot read or have a hard time reading due to intellectual disabilities.
After brainstorming and talking to special education teachers we decided to purchase recordable books. Each scout participant purchased a recordable book and recorded their own voice reading the book. The books were then donated to our local school and are now being used in the special education classroom. We wanted to bring the joy of reading to all people
Our books are high quality and will last for many years. Many different children who have intellectual disabilities will now be able to pick one of the children's stories we have donated. All they have to do is press a button and the book will be read to them by a scout who is around the same age as the child who is using the book. It is a way to bring the joy and excitement of reading to children who may not be able to read on their own.
We learned that there are many different reasons why someone may not be able to read. Some are physical like being blind and being too young to understand braille and some are due to cognitive delays. We learned empathy for people instead of sympathy. That we can always find a solution if we work together. We learned to help our fellow students in our local school.