Hiking for national feast and a great frindship as youth
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Hiking for national feast and a great frindship as youth

As we are the scout group called "İZDOS" from İzmir - Turkey, we had a hiking activity. Our 20 rover scouts and leaders Busen Alparslan, Ernam Pehlivan and Hülya Gedikler walked about 20 km to reach the camp site taking place on the peak of Spil Mount with their all own equipment. When they had reached to top, they set the camp, made shelters, set a camp fire and cooked their meals, and they had done so many activities. on night they had special shows about frienship and feast. at the end they walked the same route again to back to the city. this activity is important that all participant scouts help each other and cooperate themselves. they showed all the world peace and frienship on the top of mountain.
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