Helping the Learns

Helping the Learns

Samtse College of Education Rovers assisting adult leaders of Samtse Lower Secondary School in running a scout troop- the junior section in scouting(Nazhoen & Nachung Scout)


Rovers conducted Scouting Skills Test to provide a comprehensiveness and practical way on how to implement the scouting skills in day to day life from the educational prespective and how to start its implementations. Furthermore, this initiative attempts to inspire scouts to engage in community service actions through actions with good turn daily.


1. Ski race: A team building game which promotes coordination, synchronisation and cooperation among the patrols.

2. Ping Pong Ball Out: Though limited resources the scouts are encouraged to come up with creative ideas with proper planning. They have also learned some insights about SDGs. 

3. Blind Dragon Score: In order to promote empathy one should put ourselve in others shoe. So the scouts were all blindfolded and only way to communicate was by taping their fellow scouts. 

4. Rope work: Prsctical session on rope.

5. Drill: Smartness and good order

Number of participants
Service hours
Legacy BWF

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