Health and Nutrition Awareness Projet

Bangladesh is a Backward country though now we are Moving towards a digital country.But still now, health sector,environment sector is much backward.For this reason i think about people's health.If a man or woman can be concern about their health, so he can protect himself by his own activities.That's why i choose Health and nutrition awareness project.And i did this project successful.About 20000 people of my community, now they are Very much aware about their health.And many disease has gone.
My project Area was Kurigram district, Ulipur Upazila, Buraburi Union and Durgapur Union.Afther choosing this project i make a plan for implementation of my project.I go every village of my Union and make discussion, seminar about their health concern.And also distribute information based paper which was made by the information of how to main basic health rules and be healthy. I try to concern school's children for washing hand...Now they are very concern about this
About 20000 people of my community, now they are benefitted by my project.They are now Very much aware about their health.They know how to maintain nutrition based food.What Rules need to follow for Being healthy.child's are wash their hand before eating of any work..And also wash hand by soap after using toilet. Mother's are aware about their children's health... They are always try to follow basic rules for being healthy.
By doing this project i learn many things.First Of all,i want to say u learn One things that is,if you can make sure that our people of society are aware about their food,nutrition, health, so most of the time they don't need to go to the doctor. By awaring people we can remove many kinds of disease from our society.. And also learn that i could do better my project.For this reason i need the help of local government and Money.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Nature and Biodiversity
Healthy Planet
Environment and Sustainability
Health and Wellbeing

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