"Hands of Hunger"

Eid-Ul-Adha is the biggest festival for the muslims all over the world . On this festival the rich and middle class people eats delicious and costly foods like meat, polaw, etc. But, the poor people can't afford the delicious and costly food. because of this reason we decided to distribute foods among the poor people.
The project was executed by Opartheeb Foundation. 10 people including me volunteered the project. At first we raised fund among us then we decide the places where we will distribute all the foods among poor people . After this we bought the foods then we start our distribution from decided place. From this project we were able to serve the foods among 70 poor people.
From this project I can feel the pain of poor people who can't buy delicious and costly foods on the festivals . I learned about the life of poor people. By doing this project i got inspired to execute more projects like this one.
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Youth Engagement
Humanitarian action

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