"Hand washing" a mandate for human.
After the case of Covid19, hand washing has become a mandatory duty of all human being. Therefore, we are interested to pass this message to every member in the community and inculcate hand washing habits in all.
The goal of this project is to develop a daily responsibility of hand washing in every members in the community.
Global Hand Washing Day 15th October,2022 was observed in Pelrithang HSS, Sarpang, Bhutan.
As we move beyond COVID-19 to our new normal, we must” UNITE FOR UNIVERSAL HAND HYGIENE’’ .
On October 15th we should put just a little more thought to it as it is Global Hand Washing Day. We made over 1000 students to promise that hand washing will be their lifelong duty and reached out the same message to their parents and members in their community.
The students are seen washing their hands near the water taps and hand washing stations. People in the community are now more aware about the importance of hand washing when their own children reached out the message.
Learnt updated steps of hand washing. It was also learnt that we can use students to reach out important messages and advocate. In doing so, the messages are reached so fast and the impacts can be seen or felt immediately.
From this project, we have learnt that it is very important to create awareness and conduct advocacy program as many as possible. These actions can bring changes and the immediate impacts.
Though hand washing sounds very simple but most people does not take it as a important activity throughout the human life.
We would like to conclude that regular reminder is required specially regarding hand washing to people.