Growth Strategy Development and Management
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Growth Strategy Development and Management

Scouting Aims at contributing into the develoment of young people into active global citizens playing a constructive role in the positively transforming their communities. Young people from all over the globe continue to take actions within their localities, some of the key challenges that cut cross the NSO's of the zone include inability to accurately capture and report on their members and general limitations to effectively manage projects towards growth and institutional capacity development.

It would not be possible for any NSO to plan for its members if it cannot account for them and worse still if it cannot even know its numbers. To achieve sustainable growth, an NSO needs to develop a growth strategy anchored on the local realities and through verifiable means

in current world where there is an increase in competetion for limited resources by different organizations, our NSO's need to develop its capacities to better manage resources at its disposal and attract partnerships through effective project management and accountability to the different stakeholders.

30 selected NSO leaders will participate in a training on project management and growth strategy. At least 3 NSO's will be supported to install membership mnagement systems.

through this project the NSOs will be able to strategically plan for growth having developed Growth Strategies that define their growth path and allowing channelling of resources towards the same.


the NSOs which will have installed the MMS will be able to accurately capture the Data of heir members. This will enable them monitor growth trends and pay emphasis on areas that would need attention and Map its general growth trends for planning.

Through acquiring skills and competencies in project management, the NSOs will be able to effectively manage their resources for better results. They will also be able to attract development partners to further support their sustainable  growth. Though being accountable and transparent, the NSOs will attract confidence from the different stakeholders and build strategic patnerships.

This project will improve collaboration among the NSOs of the Southern Zone and strenghthen theor partnerships and sharing of best practices. These will ultimately lead to the growth of Scouting movement in the NSOs, the Zones, in Africa and globally





Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Good Governance

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