Green india clean India tree plants

The pollution around me inspired me to take this action. I got inspiration to plant trees form our scout leader. He makes us plant a teverey year and he tells us to take care of the tree
The project was implemented at my village Dhukra. We started with arranging plants with the support of Mr. Rajender Dhukra my village Sarpanch. We planted the plant and took care of them our rovers fixed their duties twice a day watering the plants and taking care of them
Project impacted in making the environment better. This brought the change in the life of our rovers and me as well. It helped the environment to be better it was.
I got to learn a lot from this project like how we can keep environment clean. How can we plant more and more trees ? And I am spreading this spirit further. So that this planet of mine is saved from the effect of green revolution
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Nature and Biodiversity
Youth Engagement
Better Choice

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