A Great Reverence to our Third Druk Gyalpo

1. This project was mainly to help the students develop the leadership and organizational skills. 2. It was also aimed to show their respect and reverence to their teachers. 3. It was also to learn and showcase the cultural items to their friends and teachers. 4. It was mainly aimed in showing our true respect and tribute to our 3rd Druk Gyalpo who instituted the modern education in our country and celebrate the teachers Day of Bhutan.
02/05/2021: All the students from class PP-VI and the teachers gathered in the Assembly ground to mark the Teachers Day. The scouts have organized the Day's event. The programme started with the reception of the teachers by the scout members, delivering the speech on the importance of the day and presenting various cultural activities. The student also wished and thanked their teachers for the best services rendered to them and some even provided simple gifts and souvenirs.
1. This has helped to learn to initiate the programme on important occasions. 2. It has helped to grow leadership skills. 3. It helped to learn to show the reverence to the great monarchs and the teachers.
1. The students/Scouts have learned to show deep respect and gratitude to the great monarchs and their deep gratitude to the teachers., 2. The scouts have gained the confidence in organizing the programme.
Number of participants
Service hours
Diversity and inclusion
Youth Engagement
Peace and Community Engagement
Skills for Life

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