Granny's Home

Granny's Home

Granny Tshering, 78 years old lives in Pam. She get divorced when her late son was not even two years old. Her son died in mid twenties. She has lived at this age by overcoming pain and sorrow in her life with lots of difficulties with no one to look after. Since then, she has been living innher old home all alone meeting her basic needs. However, her home is in need of repaire. Even a slight natural disaster would have damaged her home. In the midst of such condition, Zhemgang district heades by Governer and team managed to build a small bamboo mat home. It took two days to build a new home. 20 De-suups (The Guardian of Peace) along with Governer build her home. Besides that a proper toilet with pot was made with the help from Bhutan Toilet Organization focal person, De-suup Sancha Rai, a teacher by profession
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Youth Programme

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