Gombak District Rovers Scout Love Camp Program 2020
Profile picture for user Hairul Abdullah_1

Gombak District Rovers Scout Love Camp Program 2020

1) Dates

25 - 27 Dec 2020


2) Location

Sendat River Recreational Forest


3) Organized

Gombak District Rover Scout Council


4) Level

Gombak District Level


6) Objective

I. Establish social relations between crews in running camp activities together.

II. Strengthen  relationship between fellow rovers and leader.

III. Relax mentally and physically.


6) Donation



7) Participant

19 people


8) Committee Executor

Advisor: Khairul Faizal Bin Hj Ramli (ADC-PK)

Director: Mohamad Iqbal Bin Suhaimi

Secretary: Hairul Mafahir Bin Abdullah

Treasurer: Azwin B Abdullah

Safety, Emergency & Hygiene: Nur Akmal B Husin

Food Quartermaster: Princess Liyana Binti Syofri

Quartermaster of Equipment and Logistics: Muhammad Fikri B Shahrul Nizam

Multimedia and Publicity: Muhd Syazwan B Ahmad


Date Time Activity Post

1100 Registration

1230 Lunch / prayer / self management

1400 Setting up a tent

1630 Afternoon tea / prayer / self management

1700 Rain-free activities

1800 River Bath

1830 Dinner / prayer / self management

2000 BBQ

2200 Game 1: Pictionary

0000 Evening / self management


0600 Prayer / self management

0700 Breakfast

0900 Game 2: Candy Water Ball

1000 Game 3: Water Netball

1100 Closing ceremony and presentation of prizes

1200 Lowering the tent

1400 Disperse

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Youth Engagement

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