Global Hand Washing Day, Nagor M.S.S.

Global Handwashing Day is observed annually to advocacting for handwashing with soap as an easy, effective, and affordable way to prevent diseases and save lives. Given the significance of the day, with special context to current situation of covid-19 pandemic, GHD will be observed through a mass washing with soap for 20 seconds as the tribute and gratitude to our visionary leader, His Majesty The King of Bhutan. This year national theme"Our Future is at Hand, Let's Move Forward Together"
GHD is a whole school and nation approach to promote hand hygiene and I am a school assistant health coordinator, GHD program will be conducted during interval period from 10:00 AM. All students from grade PP-10 will be gather at assembly ground with bucket full of water with soap for hand washing program. Group of students will demonstrate and perform a dance for the 7 steps of hand washing techniques to all staff and students and mass hand washing with soap for 20 seconds.
Celebrating and observing the GHD will benefits more than 400 plus students and staff to promote hand hygiene that will prevent most of the diseases and specially from corona virus during pandemic.
Learned organization skills, collaboration, team work and value of clean hand.
Number of participants
Service hours
Health lifestyles
Personal safety
Health and Wellbeing

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