This year JOTA has a game called Global Challenge. There is some 15 tasks given to participating scout groups and Them carried our those tasks . On some of the tasks they find scout friends around the world and exchanged information like scout badges on different color or design. Some of this tasks needed information technology, video making or photography, visual arts. But the most important advantage was having scout friends as much as possible This made Facebok an excellent tool to give help. On jota online reports which was prepared obn a DVD  like messenger of Peace messages on PoP web became a tool to make friendship around the world and an oportunty to became a Messengers of Peace. These report format always asks to groups  their best contact.  In this case a group feom Greece selected and This contact found very special for them because their campshad a campfire at the same time when they talked. They made amateur radio contacts with Greece, Russia, Russian Federation, Turkey and internet contacts with Afghanistan, Antarctica, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Germany, Algeria, Finland, France, Great Britain, North. Ireland & Territories, Greece, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Russian Federation, Sweden, Turkey, United States of America, Venezuela   With all of these and more opportunities ofmaking Peace by knowing each other with well prepared games. Weblogs are also  a good and simple tool to make Peace projects   List of eorkshops and task and training stations with Turkish names camping(kampçılık), communication methods( iletişim yöntemleri), semaphore(semafor), phonatic alphabet(fonatik alfabe), navy flags(alay sancakları), handicraft (el becerileri), creating cartoon (karikatür), making patrol and camp flags (flama yapımı), recycling practises (geri dönüşüm çalışmaları), presentations (sunumlar), amateur radio (amatör telsizcilik), internet and computer programs (internet ve bilgisayar programları), basic scouting (temel izcilik), bolivian wheel (boliya tekerleği), short film prooduction (kısa film yapımı), dance (dans), music (müzik), cahllenge tasks (challenge görevleri), ceremonies (törenler), kamp ateşi (camp fire)   PHOTOS ( By H. Bilgen) 1.      Camp Photo; Scouts shows that they are ready to start the JOTA/JOTI camp and they are messengers of peace.   2.      Camp Fire 3.      Scouts are making eco-grafitti... 4.       Scouts are making practises of forced-perspective photos. 5.      JOTA-Amateur Radio Station   6.      Scouts practices semaphore, Morse key, phonetic alphabets, navy flags and other information’s.. 7.      JOTI Station - Presentation (JOTI İstasyonu - Sunum) 8.      Patrol tries different dance from different culture. 9.      JOTI Station 10.Scouts are making dubbing and movie montage 11.Flag, 12.metal wood composite 7 m antenna tower 13. camp badge          
Started Ended
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