Funding Motivation For Bangabazar Tragedy

As a Scout I was inspired for this as the Bangabazar tragedy has sparked a compelling motivation for funding. The devastating impact on lives served as a reminder of the urgent need for financial support. Funding was crucial to assist the affected community in their recovery efforts, provide essential resources, rebuild infrastructure, and implement preventive measures to mitigate future tragedies. Together, we could make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by this tragedy.

To execute this funding project efficiently ,I identified clear goals, created a compelling fundraising campaign, leveraged social media platforms for outreach, collaborated with community organizations, established partnerships with potential donors, utilized crowdfunding platforms, maintained transparency and accountability, and provided regular updates to donors. I empowered my team, engaged with the community, maximized my impact through strategic planning and effective communication.

A business that has suffered from a setback could benefit from donations by using the funds to recover operational losses, repair damaged infrastructure, purchase new equipment, retrain employees, and revitalize marketing efforts. Donations can help restore financial stability, rebuild customer trust, and provide a fresh start for the business, ultimately leading to renewed growth and success. About 30 businessmen benefitted from this project.

From this funding project, I learnt valuable lessons about effective communication, donor engagement, budget management, and impact assessment. To make it better, I'll refine my project's messaging, identify and target potential donors more strategically, diversify my fundraising methods, enhance transparency and accountability ,I'll set clear goals and benchmarks, and continuously evaluate and adapt my strategies based on feedback and results to maximize the project's effectiveness.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Better Choice
Humanitarian action
Peace and Community Engagement

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