Free Medical Camp ⛑️
Ensuring the health for everyone.
We arranged a free medical camp where the poor peoples are served by free medical checkup & treatment. Free medicines were served to them who are disable to buy medicines. Through the help of community clinic of Rangpur people were served by the community Doctor & got free prescription after checkup. This project was arranged at Rangpur Polytechnic Institute campus, Rangpur.
Poor peoples were served by free medical service. They got free medical consultation under the community Doctor & also served by free medicines. More than 50 people were benefited by this project of free medical camp.
Poor peoples were treated by free diabetic check, blood pressure checkup, blood group check & other medical treatments.
01. Learned some basic medical hacks. 02. How to deliver First Aid Treatment. 03. How to check blood pressure & Diabatic checkup & etc..
04. Team work.