Flood Relief Project

The city was hit by flood. The scouts who has volunteers ready at all time should be one of the first responders to the site and help the victims. Although it does not brings them to their own opulent comfort home, but the least the scouts can do is help the victims clean the homes from the mud and prepare the victims to get a clean, danger free homes.
We went to Jelebu by our own resources. Jelebu is situated approximately 30 KM from where most of the scouts live. The transportation costs, the fuel and vehicles are all expensed by ourselves. However, after few advises from our adult scouts, we opened a one day donation window to include as many people in the community to help the victims. In the end, it not merely the strength of the scouters, the humanitarian aids were also helped by the people in the community by funding our project.
We cleaned as many homes as possible as we reached the affected areas. As i can recall, during the 5 days of aiding, we cleaned close to 10 houses which totaled to around 80 people. The scouts who volunteered from day one to the end accounted to around 10 people.
I learned that we have to manage our resources properly. So that it would streamline the aiding process. This is because, flood quite a common natural disaster that happens in Malaysia, thus by properly keeping the tools, we do not need to keep on buying the tools whenever we are in rush to help.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Humanitarian action

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