Flagstaff Hill Scout Group 2013 Christmas Appeal with Salvation Army

Flagstaff Hill Scout Group 2013 Christmas Appeal with Salvation Army

Every year the Salvation Army assists more than 300,000 people over the Christmas period, distributing nearly 500,000 toys to families in need, feeding Christmas Lunch to over 14,000 people and distributing over 100,000 food vouchers and hampers. In 2013 the Flagstaff Hill Scout Group has approached the Salvation Army local offices (based at Marion) to offer our assistance in this important service of giving to members of our community in need. We have collected, via a donation box in the hall any food or non-food items that Youth Members and their families were able to donate to this worthy cause. Examples of items include Food items – jams, honey, vegemite, baby formula, breakfast cereals, Non-food items – toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, nappies, deodorant, razors, All Youth were asked to donate at least one item to this worthy cause and on Monday 16 December these goods were delivered to the Salvation Army Office.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme

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