Fight against  COVID-19

Fight against COVID-19

Before the school administration relieved  383 students at their respective home to prevent and monitor COVID - 19 in the country ,NMSS shared some of the advisory notes to them :

The school administration ensures that students are engage in home with educational works , they were assigned homework’s , project works and assignments to spend their time meaningful at home .
Every details of students, parents / guardians and teachers are maintained to support each other and maintain a communication link whenever necessary .
Some of the preventive measures shared by school scout commissioner and leaders  :

1. Wash hands frequently using water and soap or use alcoholic based hand sanitizers.
2. Avoid public places and gatherings 
3. Wear masks in gatherings .
4.  Do not consume raw meats and uncooked products .
5. Maintain good personal hygiene 
6. Avoid direct hand contact with eyes nose and mouth. 
7. Avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever and cough 
8. When coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue .
9. Drink boiled water .
“Let’s hope  for the best but be prepared for the worst.”
- His Majesty (12/3/2020)
Be safe everyone 

Thanking you

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Legacy BWF
Good Governance

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